Sunday, July 1, 2012

In the shade of a tall prison wall

Saturday: nice 6 miles on TM.  Weekly workout goal met!!

Today: 13.3 miles outside.  We took the dog for a couple of miles down to the creek and back, and then we dropped him off and ran onto post and around for a bit, then back home.

That sounds deceptively simple.  We're still in this heat wave, and we slept in a bit longer than we should have, so the run was done in ~32-36 C (humidex?), and it became more and more walking.   Probably the last 1.5 miles were walking.  No shade and big hills.

However, it wasn't bad.  We took our time, walked when the uphills were too steep, drenched ourselves completely at a couple of water spigots on post (a benefit of running on post: random water access points), hung out in the shade from time to time, stopped in a store to get icy cold drinks and chips, and generally didn't let our heart rates climb too high.  Near the end, we were on a path that didn't go the expected way and so we had to backtrack through an especially muggy section...that was the low point.  Other than that, it was not overly uncomfortable.  And it took us 3 hrs.  10:20/mile when we were actually running.  LOL

My goals for this week: 2 more 1+ runs, and three Zwow (or MarC) workouts, definitely including another stab at the pistols.

Oh, yes, at one point we were running in the most refreshing shade ever, cast by the old prison wall.   Old stone like that can impart a surprisingly chill even on hot days, and the psychological dampness in this case added extra coolness.

Happy Canada Day!

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