Saturday, July 28, 2012


Friday, I did absolutely nothing apart from sleep and eat and work super fast so that I could extend my Olympic-watching breaks without damaging productivity.  I was even more drained than usual for some reason, but I played ABBA and pushed through.  Somehow, ABBA reminds of the Olympics...

Today, I jogged for an hour, 5.71 miles, and then did resistance exercises.  We're still in a heatwave and the air here seems to be poor again; I feel like I'm not breathing as fully and as clearly as I should be, but I kept things relaxed and didn't experience an overbearing heaviness of breath this time.  My focus was economy of motion; I gradually increased the speed as I felt fit and did my best to minimize the effect of the increases. There were a few moments that were deliciously effortless, and by the end, I was running 5.9 mph with ease.  Not bad for a stingy treadmill and a hot room.   The air conditioner is set for 24ish C, but the treadmill is in an upstairs room which is warmer.  I've gotten used to it enough that sometimes I don't use the fan--I did use it today, however!  I'd hoped to keep things as easy as possible today so that I will feel more inclined to do at least that much tomorrow and thus, perhaps, squeeze a fourth hour-plus run into the following week.   Will see how things go.

At any rate, I'm very happy with this past week: despite allergies, fatigue, a hundred or so chigger welts (I'm still itchy, but less so), and TMImonthlywomaneventTMI, I completed the important workouts, 3 hr+ runs and 3 zwows, plus 3 lighter resistance exercise routines and a shorter run.

My husband and I will likely be doing a diet detox starting Monday: no dairy and no refined sugar for about 10 days.   Hopefully this will improve my energy levels.

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