Saturday, July 28, 2012

a storm! some rain!

(Thursday's post)
Yesterday, my energy and ire levels were quite low, but I did zwow #5.  I also took allergy medicine at long last, but it didn't seem to help.  There was an article in the KC newspaper about how quite a few people are having similar symptoms mainly due to the heat and pollution, and not pollen, so maybe that's what's going on for me too.

And then we got storms late last night.   The drizzle this morning was not to the dog's liking (he doesn't like water sprinkling or stepping on wet lawn, thus he won't go), but it was light enough a drizzle for him to go on a short walk and rock a piss or two.    The little guy has super-canine bladder control, but I worry about his kidneys more than he does.

After the dog was deflated, I ran on the TM for an hour, 6.05 miles, including 6 X 5min tempo, 1 min jog.  Resistance exercises afterward.

I have just one more long run to do this week, and maybe I'll do a bonus zwow, who knows?  Not bad for what has been a miserable week.

Olympics tomorrow!

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