Thursday, July 19, 2012


Last night, I biked home accompanied by very distant flashes of lightning.  No rain, just the tantalizing promise of rain which almost always skirts about the town fetchingly and elusively, a swirl of dark cloud here, a sliver of electricity there, and then, nothing.

But, no, this time the harlot stopped and squatted over the neighbourhood for a good long while.

So, now it's humid again and I suppose I will have a yucky bike ride/struggle to work, but at least the air has improved.  Yesterday afternoon, before work, the breathing tightness hit me hard even though I was just sitting around reading in an air-conditioned room, and I was beginning to wonder how it would go down.   However, it was so toasty outside, about 40C, that the warmth opened everything up and I recovered and felt amazing!  Hasn't failed yet: the high 30s C days suck but the hottest 40+C days are great.  Maybe just for me, a former sauna habitué, but I'm clutching this upper hand close to my chest.  Take that, Kansas, your worst is my dessert.

Well, anyway, I woke up and decided that the rain dampened down whatever it is that I've been reacting to recently.

I also tried a new workout drink.  My husband tends to buy various supplements from time to time and then move on to other things, so I've been finishing up whatever doesn't contain gluten.  Granted, the last jar I finished was a recovery mix, and this new stuff was a pre-workout drink, but for someone in my position (not poised on the knife edge of world-class athletic conditioning), some valine is better than no valine.  Anyway, this new stuff tastes good and it helped.

I also tried some new workout music.  My husband had pulled out a Franz Ferdinand CD earlier, and I wondered about it, was there a bunch of slow tempo filler in there that would bog me down?  But, no, there wasn't, and the tunes helped too.

It ended up being such a good run that I was too pumped afterward to nap properly.  I even tossed the equivalent of a 2-mile tempo run in there.  6 miles in just over an hour.

No resistance exercises because after that run, the sweat was pouring off me so voluminously that it felt embarrassing even though I was alone in my own house.  The room is rather warm, but I've become quite fond of the detox effect.

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