Sunday, July 8, 2012

post-heat wave

After strolling about downtown Kansas City yesterday in 42C (humidex?) on an impromptu mini raw seafood crawl (oysters and sushi!!), both of us were so relaxed and/or wiped that we slept in and didn't run at all, even though the heat wave is finally receding.  My body is slumping too much in relief to do much, but I did do a time challenge thingy posted by Z: 50 X 3 low jacks-1 push up/pike-1 jump.  It took me just over 9 minutes.

I did it outside because the temp is actually a refreshing 25 degrees Celsius for the first time in ages, and there has been a large cicada hatch.  I imagine it is weather-related.  We have windows and the back door left open for the first time in weeks, and the metallic chorus of cicadas drew me outside.

The heat itself wasn't too bad--I've been in considerably worse during a summer trip to Egypt and Kuwait--but the humidity was nasty and the bad air even worse.  how could a small town almost in the middle of Nowhere, Midwest, have bad air?  It could be pollen, it could be pollution from the forest fires in CO, and it could definitely be pollution in general judging by the local ads to reduce fuel consumption.  At times, it rendered my head into the anvil of a merciless hammer.  Pain killers don't do anything, except for the strong ones that knock me out, but at least I found out that adrenaline helps.  Fortunately, I don't get headaches that often.  Conditions have to be just wrong.

At any rate, there is still more of summer to come, and apparently the historically hottest part is still ahead of us.   It's a close tie right now, but in due time, this summer might unseat those horrible months in south Virginia as my Worst Summer Ever.

This week, the highs will be in the 31-35C range.  Hopefully the humidity won't jack up in compensation.  The temps were supposed to be lower, but we were supposed to get thunderstorms...somehow, this spot misses a lot of action in more ways than one.

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