Saturday, July 21, 2012

last long run

It was touch and go.  I slept in and then we spent the thick of the day on a trip to a lake--at least an hour of hiking was involved, but most of the time there was spent in the lake.  The dog got a good workout at last.  I guess the temps were about 37C while we were there, but it was dry, and the hiking was mostly through shady forest, and it actually felt pleasant. The lake water was like bath water.  I think this is the first time that I've entered a lake without having to brace against initially chilly water.

And then we made a slight detour and got and ate takeout hamburgers and fries at Local Burger.

Meanwhile, we pulled dozens and dozens of baby ticks off each other, but it was worth it!

So after all of this fun and adventure, I felt more sleepy than eager to run, but I got on the TM and stayed there for an hour, and, yes, the belt was moving at a jogging pace.  5.6 miles.  Rows and deadlifts afterward.

My easy cruising speed has quickened.  When I first put batteries into the display, maybe a couple of months ago, about 4.7 mph was comfortable.  My log says that, in mid June, it took me just over an hour to cover 5 miles, and now I'm still breathing easy even at 5.9 mph sometimes.  What this actually translates to on real ground, I don't know.  I still haven't calibrated the TM, and I probably won't bother.  The numbers still measure progress even though they are askew.  Sticking to a consistent if still kind of mild routine (3 X 1hr+/week) is the main thing.  And I need to take the results to heart so that I can work past the heat and allergies and tiredness this coming week.  This past week was rather draining.

And, then, 6 days till the Os, and hopefully better weather too!

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