Sunday, July 15, 2012

Short run Sunday

I ran longer runs on Friday and Saturday, and the residual fatigue was more mental than physical: I got on the TM with the intention of getting one of the three weekly hr+ runs out of the way, but I couldn't draw my eyes away from the numbers moving ever so slowly...

1.75 mile super easy jog, then Zwow #25.  The learning curve was steeper than normal because lateral movement is not my thing, but I pushed through it and got adequate exercise.  This workout also had a "buy-in": 30 burpees.  They had to be completed prior to the workout.  This is a new thing for Zuzana, I think.  I like the idea of a warm up more than a buy-in, and with that translation in mind, I did the 30 burpees with less effort than expected.  Granted, I did competition burpees.  I used to think these were harder because you have to go completely to the floor and back up instead of just in and out of a plank, but they are proving to be far easier with my questionable form, mainly because my knees help with the upthrust.  Googling about this has revealed similar opinions from others.  I suppose I will do the harder burpees when there are less reps, and try not to cave into doing the easier ones when faced with 20 or more at a time.

Meanwhile, it's hot.  Judging by seasonal weather data, the next two weeks tend to be the hottest stretch of the year.  I suppose I should be thankful that we've already been sort of exposed (acclimatized would be too strong a word) to hot weather, but, man, been there, done that.

I was recently told about the Tonganoxie Split, it's name and vague reputation (restricted rainfall and general crispiness, I gather) only, and will embark upon research shortly.

Why is this blog so much about weather?  Well, it's totally cramped my style for like at least fifty zillion days.

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