Monday, July 9, 2012

got up early to run with the dog

And about a 1/2 mile later, we saw a loose dog on the road.  And it wasn't road-smart.  After stopping traffic and getting sour looks from "nice" people in nice cars, and coaxing the dog to follow us to a workshop where I asked for a rope or something while the dog skittered off and around the block, me and my dog in pursuit, until we wound up back at the shop where we got a rope tied to its collar and I'm so proud of my dog for being such a good boy while we caught and brought home a stranger...anyway, back at the ranch, the dog wanted in, but not without a bath and possibly deworming, and animal control wasn't open for another 2 hrs (9 am), and the dog was starting to get yippy unless I was in sight so I sat on the floor by the door and read and waited.

It was an old schnauzer type dog, probably female but I couldn't tell for sure because of the fur and the large tumour on its underside.  That probably made it uncomfortable for the dog to sit down;  I didn't see it sit down once.

Anyway, an animal control officer came and got her, and now it's almost nap time.  So much for our run! My dog got some mental and emotional stimulation at least, and now he's pre-nap napping.  For our first loose dog event here, we got off very lightly.  There are so many pit bull mixes around here, and my dog being one himself, it's not always the best mix.

The other dog got considerably more exercise than it normally does: it was pretty tired by the time we got home.  Hopefully it goes back home to its home soon.  Dogs are hard-wired by ten thousand years of co-habitation to go indoors, any indoors, but this dog had a collar and a fairly new trim and, I suspect, sofa privileges somewhere.

I was going to try out my new Stars of the Lid album on a treadmill jog after the dog jog.  Tomorrow, I guess!

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