Monday, July 23, 2012


zwow #12 and general tick bite misery.  I have a lot of bites, ~33 on my left foot alone, admittedly one of the most concentrated areas.  Looks like I might be gliding through work on Benadryl.

Almost all of these ticks were babies, so I guess it could have been worse.  But who has children during the worst drought since 1954 or whenever?  Highly irresponsible parenting.

The trip was well worth it.  We got to spend a few perfect hours cooling off in a small bay we had all to ourselves.  Take that, shitty Kansas, I still won, no matter how many more hot days you spew.    The next 10 days are all supposed to be above 37 C except for Thursday, which might go as low as 30 C with thunderstorms.  PARTY TIME!!!!!  Or, at least, maybe the slats of my deck furniture will stop curling up.


Fran said...

Shitty Kansas! LOL. Ottawa weather pulled a raging temper tantrum yesterday afternoon. Swooning trees, sideways rain, electric skies - it was a breath-taking spectacle. I hope you get a great show this week.

cs said...

Thanks, Gaz!