Sunday, July 7, 2013

The sauna

I slept in again, but only until 6:40, and I got out at 7:20.  22 C and overcast, not bad.  Five miles on quiet roads, and then I went into the forest for awhile.

Highlights included seeing horses in there for the first time, getting stung by something large enough to leave about a quarter-sized spot of blood on my singlet, and sweating so much that it had mostly washed out by the time I was done.   It's a mystery what got me; I'm left with a small puncture, but not even any swelling.  The myriad of mosquito bites were more irritating.

At any rate, I managed to stay surprisingly comfortable for most of the run.  It helped a lot that I walked up the hill by my house and then started the run at the top.  It's a short hill, not even a tenth of a mile, but the grade is 6%.  Thank you,   It sets me up poorly for whatever run I do unless I really concentrate on maintaining a proper level of effort, but I rarely pull this off.  Usually, stuff gets too revved up and then I just have to maintain that level and I eventually get burnt.  But walking up it is a decent warm up.

After a couple of hours, I started fielding GI complaints, but they were pretty minor and, by that point, I'd already taken all the gels I was going to take.  The prospect of stomaching more food might have been the tipping point. 

Total: about 2.5 hours.  It was 27C by the time I finished, but it wasn't bad at all because I was just coasting along.  However, I looked wretched.  I was so thoroughly soaked that I took a shower before doing weights.


deadlifts--lighter, straight-ish leg(5)
super light and straigher-leg deadlifts--this is more of a relaxing dynamic stretch actually! (8-10 ish)
single calf raises (15)
goblet squats (5-8, depending on weight)
heavier deadlifts(5)
single leg butt bridge(5)

I tried switching the order a bit, and somehow it works to do lighter deadlifts before the heavier ones, but it feels wrong to likewise order the squats.  I also had a off-moment when I was interrupted in the middle of a deadlift, and I broke focus and back feels a little tender now.  Oh, well.  We don't usually have guests.  I've thought about what I would do if I was doing heavier stuff in a gym: headphones.  lol

And then I did 60 situps.  Pushups?  Dunno, man.  My garage was too much of a sauna by that point.  Maybe I should do the pushups at the beginning.  I have no juice by the end.


Fran said...

Goblet squats are new to me! The name (goblet) sounds like a wine/exercise pairing! A little jocular luxury, haha. Anyway I found some goblet squat vids on youtube. Thanks for the introduction, I'll try 'em this week!

cs said...

Have fun!

I'm not sure why they're called "goblet", but I often picture a goblin or Gollum-like creature crouching. Your mental imagery is more appropriate, I think!