Thursday, July 18, 2013


Hot, humid, 40 minute jog/steam room with the dog. My legs were heavy, but I managed a relaxing run that helped overall, I think. 

Then, arms.  Still the same workout with the pushups and situps added.  But I added one more exercise.

Dumbbell bench press
Dumbbell flies
7-7-7 bicep curl
EZ bar curl
One Arm Pronated Dumbbell Tricep Extension
One Arm Supinated Dumbbell Tricep Extension
Straight Arm dumbbell pullover
Tricep dips (still on the bench, still can't quite hack even one on the dip station, but I'll keep trying)
Standing dumbbell tricep extension
Seated Bent-Over Two-Arm Seated Dumbbell Tricep Extension

I'm considering paring down the tricep exercises (and the one arm extensions are on thin ice)...but they all seem to involve a slightly different discomfort.   And the workout goes by pretty quickly.

The chest press needs some tweaking too.  This is the best tutorial I've found so far, but I'm still trying to get more of a burn.  My bench does incline, but the pin is gone (hey, can't complain about a curbside freebie!)...maybe I can improvise and get a more effective angle.

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