Thursday, October 16, 2008


Today is an easy day. Usually we jog about 4-10 miles on such a day.

Unfortunately, I couldn't get to sleep last night; fortunately, I had just my morning job. I felt sort of off, though, and definitely stiff during the physio (I'm not a physiotherapist or anything, but leading exercises is part of my morning job, which actually helps me out as much as them, I think). I felt sluggish in general.

Got home and grabbed the dog. I decided on a 6ish mile loop, and we set off...sort of. There was someone hawking something that wasn't readily explainable or understandable, some sort of insurance; she was approaching the porch as we exited the house. I asked my dog to sit and he quickly plunked his butt down. She continued to advance, but I warned her apologetically that he was not friendly with visitors and she stopped. He's obedient, but he really doesn't like strangers on our property (out on the street or wherever is fine), and whatever she was selling didn't seem 100% legit either. I didn't want to waste either my time or hers. She just stood there and I waited for her to leave for a few seconds, and then told her that I wasn't the owner of the house anyway. At that she left.

I'm not sure what it was about her, whether it was the lack of some sort of insignia that I recognized, or the randomness of the encounter, but I got a bad vibe. It probably bounced off her from my dog, though. LOL

Anyway, we trotted off and jogged for about 3 miles. I was stiff from yesterday, but the stretching and stick had helped. I wasn't as tight above the knee. After about three miles, I stopped to let him go poop (we're getting better at dealing with the Phantom Feces), and then I started up again, for maybe 10 metres. I wasn't injured or especially sore, but I didn't feel like running any more. I've already run 52 miles this week including today's run, good grief. This is one of my highest-mileage weeks. Tomorrow and Saturday will be easy runs, though, so I'm through the worst of it, and Sunday's long run won't be very long, either.

Anyway, we walked the rest of the way home. We dealt a bit with the leaf aversion issue, too--by the Canal, there were a few parts that were totally blanketed by leaves, so he had to walk on them. He's gotten much better about not bumping into me, but he's still fussy about walking on leaves.

I was still feeling kind of blah, and then my heart was lifted by a glorious sight: they've finally opened up the walkway between the Canal and the NAC parking garage or whatever it is...all summer long, we've had to jog into the road and around construction. I've been waiting for them to fix the issue and take the barricades down. It was a pretty small detour, but annoying because there isn't much space, some of the cars go pretty quickly there, and periodically there is a gala or something and picking my way through the well-heeled makes me feel so uncouth.

Strangely enough, as we returned home, we met someone else coming down the street, my great-aunt. Instead of some sketchy insurance, she offered to give us some flowering plants for the rock garden out front. Much better!

1 comment:

Nat said...

Some days, it's just not in you.
I never EVER buy anything being sold door-to-door unless it's one of 'hood kids selling cookies.