Friday, October 10, 2008

Another lovely day

Unfortunately, I actually had to work, haha, so my run got squeezed in between shifts. The dog and I jogged 5.9 miles and it was pretty much uneventful.

Oh, wait, it's all coming back to me...

We were barrelling down this steep hill--really booting it. Ok, usually I jog pretty slowly, and I'm lazy too, but I have my moments under 100M and/or duress (I also dominated Chinese skipping at school...I'm springy for short select bursts. LOL) Anyway, we're ripping for fun, and we see two old people walking towards us, and then one of them yells, as she sees me coming, one of those freakingly idiotic tourist questions further 'improved' by the timing (yeah, ignore the people walking around and ask the runner who's already pretty much gone):

"Is there a way to the top?"

About 10M later, I yell out 'yeah' kind of over my shoulder, as best I could, and keep going.

Ok, maybe it wasn't such a stupid question, and I guess they figured I knew where I was going. And I suppose they could have also figured out that

1. I must have come from somewhere above.
2. They must have come from somewhere above, too, unless they were born and raised right beside the Canal.
3. There are signs of habitation above.
4. There is a ROAD going up, which they were on.

It reminded me of jogging on Mont-Royal...there are flat patches on the Olmstead path, but I can't think of any stretches except for the loop on top where you'd be hard pressed to determine whether you were going up or down, overall....and yet people would stop me to ask me whether they were headed up or down. Do aliens plunk people down randomly on the mountain?

So I had a quick giggle over these poor hapless tourists, and then we continued jogging. And I thought about how I often had no clue where the heck I was going in various places, countries, continents, and how fun that was usually. They missed out. Maybe they hadn't heard me, though, and got to discover the way up themselves.

Oh, yeah, I jogged .5 of a mile to work this morning, and I'm counting that too. lol



Nat said...

What's chinese skipping?

Nat said...

Oh... And dumb questions while running kill me... I had on man yell at me because the house numbers went from 82 to 96 --- where was 86... he was looking for 86.

(How the hell should I know?)

cs said...

Chinese skipping...I'm at a loss to describe it. Will dig up a youtube vid. Anyway, if you can imagine jumping over two elastic strings (really two sides of one big loop) which start a few inches off the ground and get gradually higher until you get tangled up.

cs said...

Oh, and I think people ask people out exercising for directions because we move so confidently. lol. I'm still trying to figure out why they'd assume we'd have a better chance of giving good directions....