Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Well, I didn't get enough sleep last night, like 5-6 hrs, but I had a great day and I feel a lot more relaxed about my upcoming schedule, mainly because it's a lot more relaxed too.

Anyway, I also ran with the dog. I was feeling ok, just tired, so we took it easy. I did my ole 25 min run, 5 min walk, but for just about 2 hrs (earlier in the summer, I did this for 3-4 hrs whenever I wanted to trot around for a while without getting too uncomfortable). Total distance covered, about 11 miles.

It was really nice. The sun was out and the grass was still green...it gave me flashbacks to Colorado Springs in the fall, to this park I used to run around. At the time, I was coming back from a long injury-related break from running, so it was a struggle. I think I spent a lot of time staring at that grass and imagining myself collapsing on it. But, NO, because it was also sprinkled with goose poop. Such was some of the grass today by the river; that, and the clear air and sun, brought back the memories. However, my lungs weren't burning this time.

I didn't really think about much in particular. It was more about feeling different things loosen up and so forth. The dog was very good this time and we just kept going. Then I went to a movie, and then to yoga. It was a lovely day.


Nat said...

Sounds lovely. :) We're all sick no running for me.

cs said...

:( I hope you all get better soon. There's definitely something going around. I'm still sort of drippy, but the worst was about 1 or 2 weeks ago.

Anyway, best recovery vibes!