Wednesday, December 17, 2008

run club!

Today was a good running day. I jogged nearly 2 miles to work and errands, and then run club was 5.63 miles plus getting there and back, so about 9.57 miles altogether. Not bad for 4ish hrs of sleep and feeling like utter crud when getting up.

My calves were good...the snow has made them complain a bit, but they're certainly not as trashed as they were last week or so. They're adjusting well, I think, to the change of footplant or whatever it is that's going on with the snow. I think it's a good change, to work different muscles.

And the temps were lovely for a run.

The dog got his outing after I came back, a walk and then a romp around a field. Well, he was more interested in sniffing than sprinting around this time. Another dog showed up and it looked like they were going to have some good play time, but it wouldn't get off my dog and there was some growling, sounded like play growling, which my dog does sometimes when he's playing with certain dogs, but he wasn't in the mood tonight...not sure which dog it came from, anyway. He stuck by me instead of tearing around with the other dog, which is his cue to leave. The owner was kind of anxious to get his dog away as well. Hey, who's jumping on who? Quit judging my dog. LOL

When I got home, I did core exercises. No pushups today for some reason--must get back to them, but the morning routine did happen, miraculously.

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