Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Rest day

I jogged to work today.

Though I've been a 'runner' for just a few years, I have spent many more as a 'commuter on foot'. And, owing to the fluidity of time (how it speeds up those last umpteen minutes prior to departure; nothing to do with me being late), I've often had to travel at a trot. My morning job is in pretty much the same neighbourhood as my old high school, which led me to two considerations:

Could I conceivably, one morning, run to my high school by mistake, by some deep-stirring of old once-ingrained habit? And, even more traumatically, would I somehow find out there that, yes, it's the 90's again and I am expected to show up to Physics on the third floor?

More importantly, I was wondering why I was still racking up a sweat and shortness of breath, even though I've since run a few marathons and many many miles. It's been pretty cool these past few mornings, which is lovely, and yet I've managed to feel just as hot jogging to work as I used to feel jogging to school, when I was more out of shape and much more burdened by junk food, late nights, etc...not that I was a total sloth, but running even a mile required serious fortitude and perhaps a few breaks back then. I noticed the same thing when I used to run to my previous job--I just couldn't get up early enough to walk to a 6 am start, and I didn't enjoy biking there. Anyway, it's been puzzling me why I feel so out of shape on the trips to work. A mile is nothing! but to work, it seems endless.

I considered clothing...these days, I'm in business casual during my morning jobs. It's not that constricting, and usually in the morning chill, I'm slightly underdressed, too. My afternoon job usually doesn't require jogging, due to whatever miracle of self-governance, but occasionally I've had to jog a few blocks to get back on schedule, and that felt pretty tough, even in scrubs. My previous job involved even more casual attire, mainly tshirts and track pants...I still felt the strain of the jog over. And, of course, shoes: sneakers, all the time. Not a factor.

And then I realized that I wasn't jogging to work. I was going at the same effort as I used to use when running to school and wherever. I might be going faster (I would expect so!) but at the same level of discomfort.

So I decided that, this morning, I was no longer a panicking teen trying to get to Homeform before I would be marked Late. I took my time and didn't try to bolt from the house. And it was a breeze.

It really is all about pacing.

That all being said, I'm not running any more today, knock wood (to spare myself a 1.5ish mile sprint in scrubs to work this afternoon). I'm tired, the dog is tired. a short walk seemed to be enough for him. Now he's napping, and so will I.

1 comment:

Fran said...

I could see it - running to school by accident. It would be funny if it were still summer cuz you'd be off-season as well!

The bike needs some love and an overhaul. Like, a complete physical exam. I may have the option to buy a sweet new ride, though. It's the best bike in the family. Glad to hear the lamp is lighting up your life....