Friday, September 12, 2008


I really could have used more than <3 hrs of sleep last night! And I can't even claim it was all studying...I had problems falling asleep. And then I got a pre 6:00 am phone call, and not from my husband (so I couldn't coast on it). Oh, well. The lack of sleep cast a funny tinge to everything. I was reading the paper to one of my clients--we have a running joke about Stephen Harper. I don't even know how it started, but somehow the Globe and Mail makes us crack up over Harper pretty much every day now. Today, it was revealed that Harper loves to play piano, was once terribly distraught over a Grade 3 theory exam that went poorly, and finds that music is something that he has trouble doing 'just on the side' because it's so compelling for him. They even had a photo of him playing piano. I was so tired, I was spacing out a bit, having trouble reading and all, which made it even funnier. I don't know how the heck we are finding humour in all of this, but it's one of the bright points of my morning. We nearly pissed ourselves when they ran a picture of the Jewish New Year card the Harpers sent out. To be fair, we've had a few good laughs over Dion's PR too...

At any rate, this week has been sort of a wash running-wise. However, tomorrow's the big day: EXAM, and then I get to wind down with an 8hr evening shift. And then I'll crash. I sort of doubt I'll make it to the Sunday group run.

Meanwhile, I did speedwork with the group tonight. There was a clammy sort of drizzle going on, which made things heavy, but fortunately the temperature itself was ok. The workout was 2X (10X 30s somewhat hard/30s easy). It went well, in that I'm generally stiff and tired from lack of sleep, so running harder than normal wasn't really all that much worse. I've had other robotic workouts like that too. I can barely run 10:00/mile without breathing hard, and then I clip through the repeats with less discomfort than on a good day, and then the load drops again and it's a slog back home. I think it kind of helps to be out of it sometimes.

I wore my Garmin and have my times/paces, and they were like around 6:20ish/mile, on average, let's say. I'm too tired to procrastinate obsessively.

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