Monday, August 18, 2008

recovery week

Easy 4.14 mile jog with the dog. It was only 17C so I wore a long-sleeved top. LOL...but, yes, I don't want to get too comfortable yet.
I honestly didn't feel like I'd done a long run yesterday, except for a tight spot in my right calf. Soleus. I guess I'll take the stick to it tonight. I won't have much running this week, so hopefully I can shake it before next week. It might be something having to do with my knee feeling wonky for a day or two, some sort of compensation injury. At any rate, my knee isn't an issue anymore, and hopefully I can shake this calf thing too.

And I'm planning to SLEEP IN!! I worked through the 'weekend'....really, my weekend starts tomorrow. And sleeping in might mean only until 9:00 or so, but I'm hoping to get more than the six-ish hours of sleep I've been getting.

Oh, and I've been eating like a PIG. This is good. I had lost my appetite for a while and was starting to lose weight and feel tired. The summer heat--especially the humidity here--messes with my digestion. Last two summers were really hard, especially last one after my abdominal setback in May 2007--it took me over a year to recover from that. This summer has been a lot kinder, and I've actually gained some speed at shorter distances, despite the increased heat. Still, I was down about five pounds or so, but then it got a bit cooler and I've bounced back a bit. Now, if only I can do something about these uncharacteristic candy I blame studying for that.

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