Friday, April 12, 2013

30 C

Oh, yeah, that's the high...but actually, mid to high 20s C has become almost comfortable, at least for biking.  Sure beats the high 30s C temps I was contending with back in Kansas. But it's not quite mid-April!!!  Is spring really over?  I had been enjoying it.

Fortunately, it was raining this morning--the dog needed a bit of persuasion to get started, but we had a relaxing jog, about fifty minutes long.  We ran the Triplet and I let him off the leash for it.  He is much quicker than me on the uphills (well, in general!), and so he stopped to wait for me on the path directly ahead of was a bit messy, but we'll develop a routine.  

Then, arm weights/exercises, and two times the daily minimum because I didn't do it yesterday.  Forty pushups required a few breaks, but I've gotten to the point where I can blast five or so honest ones with solid form and some bounce until fatigue starts to catch up.  Compare this to wilting around number 3 just a few weeks ago.


Fran said...

I like your approach to increasing push up endurance (or is it strength?). My wilting begins just after #1 so I feel tempted to follow your lead...

cs said...

It's worked out so much better than doing less more often, and it's more how I used to do pushups, come to think of it. I used to do a bunch after every run. Back to basics~

Let me know how it goes, if you try it!