Saturday, April 20, 2013

nice weather

Thunderstorms yesterday brought the temps down.  I actually wore a windbreaker when I rode my bike down to get the derailleurs adjusted.

It was under 20 C when we ran later; it felt cold.  We ran about 1.5 hours, starting with the goat loop.

And then I did leg exercises.  Wearing the steel-toed boots really really helps.  I can't believe I hadn't thought of this earlier, although I'd never put more than 25 pounds on the dumbbells before recently, and somehow that extra ten pounds feels a lot more significant than going from 2(20 lbs) to 2(25 lbs).  I think my weak grip puts 30+ pounds into a new category.

And the boots bumps it back down into the old.   At the very least, I feel more comfortable dropping deeper.  It's must nicer to chase the burn rather than unsmashed toes--and, yeah, today was a close call.  But with the boots on, it was just a tap, no pressure, more of a shockwave.  Ha! 

At any rate, I'm feeling the benefits.  Going up these hills has become noticeably easier and more comfortable, and recently I picked up and moved a 40 pound bag of lime without knowing or feeling it was 40 pounds--I would have guessed that it was half the weight. 

Afterward, the daily double, now 21/21.  

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