Tuesday, April 2, 2013

11 hours of sleep

I'm sick.  I slept in until ten or so, partially waking up every so often for a debate: if I sleep just a little bit longer, will I get sleep paralysis and, if I do get sleep paralysis, will I push past the terror to a really cool flying dream?  Instead, I went through tamer yet still slightly disturbing dreams and half-wakefulness wherein I partially woke up and debated and dodged sleep paralysis in other bedrooms and other houses, until I was finally able to wake up completely in my own bed but I feel like I left part of me behind there.  This is why I usually don't sleep in or snooze.  The borders get too blurred.

Yesterday, we jogged for an hour and then I worked on my bikes.  My new bike is clean again--sand is more of a pain to get off than regular dirt!--and my old bike has a new inner tube and the handlebars are repositioned properly and hopefully the front brake cable is now just the right amount of tight. 


Fran said...

Cheers to the newly adjusted bikes! //holds up bottle of cough syrup//

cs said...

Thanks! :) Will try them out asap.