Friday, April 5, 2013

Controlled burn

This morning: walk in the woods with the dog.  The loose dog we met today was the female one who hasn't paid much heed to us until today: turns out that when she's with her owner, she's a different animal, very friendly and playful.  The owner, one of two women umpteen paces behind the dog, at least asked if my dog was friendly before her dog got to us.   It would be nicer if she actually had control of her dog and if she'd been around the first and second time the dogs encountered each other.  But at least the dog is not a problem dog.

This evening: hour long run with my husband and the dog.  It was 16C but cool-ish, very refreshing weather for running.  We ran to the backside of the forest without incident, and then we spent a few minutes running past a recent controlled burn (cue getting ripped metaphor).  The local pine forests need a good forest fire now and then to scorch the competition, and I wish the rangers would take a match to all of the pesky little oak trees and thorn bushes cropping up in the Annex, but it was disconcerting to run so close to such a recent incineration.  The charred smell upset the dog: he kept looking around and speeding up.  It smelled slightly sickly even to my nose.  And then we got to the really rooty section and my husband took off.  I guess years of football and lacrosse foot drills come in handy.  I hung in there, and then the hills afterward were a bit of payback....I really like running with my husband!

And then I did the daily minimum.   I used to do so many pushups and situps a day, and while justifying skipping an arm workout after the run today, I decided to salvage some respect by reintroducing this.  20 pushups and 20 situps a day.   Not as many as I used to do, but I have to (re)start (again) somewhere. I want to be one of those built old people who've done 50/50 or whatever for the past 40 years that look like only 20 have elapsed.  Will see how it goes. 


Fran said...

I would love to be one of those oldies on a mountain bike shouting, "rest means rust!" at a gaggle of kids lounging by a pool! haha

cs said...

Oh, yeah!
It would also be fun to be this wiry Zen sage type with an inner and outer strength that shuts up the lazy youngsters with a single nod.