Tuesday, September 10, 2013


No run this morning because it was too humid.  I just did arm exercises:

Dumbbell bench press
Dumbbell flies
7-7-7 bicep curls
Straight Arm dumbbell pullover
Tricep dips on bench
Standing dumbbell tricep extension
Seated Bent-Over Two-Arm Seated Dumbbell Tricep Extension
Dip station attempt

And a bunch of "cleaning".  I don't know where the magic has gone!  The exercise used to feel more secure.   Either I'm still weak, or I lost a bunch of muscle memory...probably both.


Fran said...

Would you know of any exercises that might bring my shoulder blades down? Just curious.

cs said...

I'm having problems picturing it. Is this what you're talking about: http://www.exrx.net/Kinesiology/Posture.html#anchor3102554 ?
Anyway, that's a good site with lots of info.

There are also a bunch of shoulder/back exercises on the bodybuilding.com database: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/

Fran said...

That exrx site is fantastic! I found a few others after I figured out what I was looking for. I realized, after a shoulder massage kept me up all night in twinges, that I need to look after this wingy problem before it gets completely unruly. Thanks G! :-D