Wednesday, September 11, 2013


This morning was slightly cooler and less humid than average.  I was pumped for a good run!  Maybe an extra loop in the forest.

Unfortunately, my breathing was squished right from the start.  At first, I thought I was just fatigued, then I thought that perhaps the humidity was higher than I'd realized, and then, shortly after my lungs started to feel irritated, I passed four guys driving large mowers.  They were trimming the highway shoulders.

I guess I'm allergic to that volume of cut grass.  Or maybe something else. 

The run became even more pleasant when I plopped my dog in a stream.  I always check for snakes, but I didn't look far enough.  He went in, paddled around a bit, and then started staring at something--just a few feet away was an unhappy snake.  It wasn't large, maybe just a couple of feet long, and rather prettily banded...most similarly to a copperhead.  Venomous but not always fatal to humans.  I'm not sure about dogs--I got mine out of there asap.  We'll be much more careful in the future.

And then I put my face through a rather solid and occupied spiderweb--I run into webs often, but this one was especially substantial.  Fortunately, I managed to shake off the spider quickly.

After that, I started taking walking breaks.  Total 80~ minutes, thanks to the walking :/

I was feeling pretty sapped by the time I got to the hot box, and I gave myself permission to pare down my leg workout.  3 X just three exercises: squats, deadlifts, lunges, but with max weights once I warmed up.  This went rather well, actually.  My cleans felt cleaner (I think I was going too high on my first pull), my squats were decent and lacked a weird left hip flexor glitch that has cropped up recently, and there were a few moments during the heaviest deadlifts when I felt nearly tapped out but in a great way, like it was a State of Emergency! and every last scrap of actin and myosin had to work.  It was a neuromuscular buzz!

The lunges, as usual, were bland and annoying in comparison.

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