Thursday, September 5, 2013


It was only 20C this morning, but I soon found out that it was considerably more humid than yesterday.  Just a 40 minute jog, as easy as possible.   My shirt was almost completely damp by the time I was done though, and I wasn't feeling that good.

At least I tried!  It was still better than most of the mornings last week.  I suspect the next month will be crappy, and then maybe we'll get into that nice fall weather that people have been telling me about. 

I got everything set up for my leg workout, the music was on, the weights were on...and I did half of a clean and realized that I was feeling too nauseated to continue.  Maybe tonight!

Oh, yeah, I forgot about the German Shepherd--we saw him (her?) yesterday and today.  Yesterday, it looked as though it was prepared to come across the road at us, but I kept telling it "No"--I had to stand my ground a few times before it gave up and got out of the road.  It's hard to explain, but with a dog like that, so much can be done without actual contact. 

Today, it gave up much sooner and didn't actually step into the road.   It's a 45 mph road, and sometimes there is considerable traffic, but we've managed to time it well so far. 

Anyway, for the time being, I'm staying on the opposite side of the road when passing that house.  Not a big deal because the shoulder's wide and, in the morning, there's still shade on both sides. 

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