Monday, September 2, 2013


Last night, about five minutes after we'd completed our evening walk, there was thunder and lighting! Yeah!  At long last, the roof blown off the steam room!

This morning, I woke up and found out that the storm had actually amplified the humidity.  24 C and 90% humidity when I decided that the run just wasn't going to happen.

Plus, my guts are still on Rumspringa.  I've been merely renting food for the past two days or so, or perhaps offering it a sightseeing tour.  Come see the recent catastrophe in Villi Village!  But nobody's sticking around to support the local economy.  I'm sore and drained. 

But I did legs.  It felt mostly like a waste.  I had to deload, cut some reps short, etc, and there were moments when my impaired coordination concerned me.  At least it was a tough mental workout, and I think at least some of the present soreness in my thighs will lead to muscle improvement.  Maybe.

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