Monday, September 9, 2013


20C this morning, but humid, but ok for a 40 minute jog. 

And then I did shoulders, just 2 sets so I can get back into the rhythm while getting out of the hole.  I feel like I got enough of a burn.

overhead press
Bent over rows, single arm
deltoid raises, side front, back
EZ bar shoulder press/clean and press
bar rear delt row
Cuban press
Iron cross
rotator cuff exercises

I pared the routine down a bit and I'm considering ditching the bent over rows too because they've been feeling more and more redundant.  Instead, I want to concentrate on the more important exercises, particularly the deltoid raises.  I'm still using just 10 lbs for these, although sometimes I put on 5 lb wrist weights for them--but my sloth usually spurns that fussiness!  However, 15 lb dumbbells is too big a leap.  I can do 1/2 a rep with them, that's a start.  My kingdom for 12 lb dumbbells! 

The iron cross has improved though.  I can consistently manage 4 reps with 10 lb dumbbells.  When I started, I had to use 5 lbs. 

And the overhead press is going nicely.  I've quit using dumbbells for the time being...just not a fan of cleaning them.  I can do it without issues, but I prefer how it feels with the bar, even though I've lost some ground with it recently.  But there were a few solid reps, plus I managed to overhead press (and not push press) nearly half my bodyweight today.  3 X 2 reps.  Going over 1/2 my bodyweight is another goal...

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