Saturday, June 29, 2013


And magic time!  We got out shortly after 6:30 and jogged for 1:40.  That might be my long run for this week.  I miscalculated with the squats and deadlifts yesterday: I was a bit tired today, but not sore, but usually the 2nd day after feels worse.   Maybe I'll be able to do a long run tomorrow, maybe not.  At any rate, I should do my leg workouts earlier in the week.

No daily double because of abdominal issues.  I was wearing a fuel/water belt which made things uncomfortable.

edit: brand new chest/arm workout!  subject to change:

Dumbbell bench press
Dumbbell flies
EZ bar curl
7-7-7 bicep curl
One Arm Pronated Dumbbell Tricep Extension
One Arm Supinated Dumbbell Tricep Extension
Some other tricep exercise I goofed up.  I think I have to study skull crushers some more.
Seated Bent-Over Two-Arm Seated Dumbbell Tricep Extension (at least one rep of something just typing that out)

I need to add tricep dips. 

Major epiphany with the dumbbell bench press: How to get them up there .  (The woman doesn't do it properly).  Up until now, this has been my major limiting factor.  I've kept just 20 lbs on each dumbbell and that feels fine (almost too fine) once they're in place, but it's a workout putting them in place without injury.  I tried the guy's trick and it works perfectly.  Now I can put more weight on.

And then the daily double.

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