Wednesday, April 1, 2009

short of 200 miles

I made it to 190 miles in March, so close enough! I've been busy finishing my chem lab work, and have also been having trouble sleeping, even though I really need to get caught up, lol. The night before last, I was having night sweats, and last night, it was bowel issues. I had been coming down with something, but I'm not sure what was up last night. I'd had Chinese dumplings and then bubble tea...but sometimes green tea is a trigger. Just sometimes, though, I think. augh. So 15 miles turned into 5 miles. it happens.

Sunday, nearly 15 miles.
Monday, 7ish
Yesterday, just those 5. Really, is there such a big difference between 190 and 200 miles? lol
Today, I did about 5 miles this morning...admittedly, it was mostly walking. I'm wired now, for a 48hr heartrate monitor test, and I've had to get used to the eletrodes. Still not quite used to the concept of no showers, either. Sponge baths are ok, though. Thank higher powers for that! I also told the technician that I, well, will probably sweat a lot. She gave me extra tape. She's a runner too!

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