Thursday, April 9, 2009


Well, that 2hr run on Sunday really wiped me out, lol.
Then I had a thyroid ultrasound on Tues. This was actually more uncomfortable than I expected--there was a lot of pressing down on my neck and I guess they hit an accupuncture point or whatever for appetite suppression because I was feeling too queasy to eat much for a day or appetite is fortunately returning.
And my foot is still sore, but getting better, I think. I have to keep reminding myself to leave the laces extra loose over it.

I haven't run since Sunday. I've been walking a lot, though! I think it actually tires the dog out more because it takes longer and he still has to trot. For example, today we did 7.12 miles in about 2hrs. Yeah, I'm not a pro, lol, but maybe that would be 16 min/mile without traffic lights. Anyway, we would run that in a bit over an hour, so that whole extra hour makes a big difference. And he's not used to walking that long, anyway...he's possibly more efficient at trotting at my jogging pace, because when the weather is a few degrees above freezing, it seems that he's still fresh after a couple of hours of jogging.

I'm still feeling kind of blah about the ultra, but maybe that will pass. Just have to keep getting out there and doing what I can manage. I've done 35 miles already...not sure if I'll hit fifty this week, but hopefully I can get a long walk in, and then try running tomorrow. Will see how my foot feels.

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