Saturday, April 18, 2009


Well, just a couple of miles on Friday, and probably I'll just jog/walk 1.5 to work, bringing my weekly tally just over 50 miles. scraping by! lol

I had hoped to do one more back to back, starting today but I'm fatigued and stuffed up and work is only going to make that worse. (Unfortunately, I'm not throwing up/hacking up a storm, so I can't in good conscience call in sick.) Walking into that place even when I'm feeling fine often results in my throat getting sore. It's an unsanitary place like any other containing unsanitorily-sentient humans spreading fecal matter about. My last job was similar, but there I had a fair bit of down time before it got busy so I could run around with a rag and bleach and disinfect the areas people most likely touched, handles, handrails, faucets, etc. A few times, I got lazy and started skipping that, and I got sick soon after.

This place, I have very little free time. Plus, I'm not there every day it's open. Instead, I use lots of soap and water and disinfectant on myself and my charges, go through gloves like oxygen, and scour up to my elbows before eating. Fortunately, they have hand disinfectant dispensers by the elevator on every floor and in most of the residents' rooms. Periodically I distribute more bottles from the stash in the basement. Unfortunately, it's not quite enough. People there are senile, they forget. They also tend to keep a death grip on kleenexes and toilet paper, no matter how used. I'm always prying that shit out of their wizened claws and throwing it away. It's best to flush it down because some of them go through their trash cans and rescue things. I really hope I die with my boots on before I get to that stage.

So, basically, my already-struggling immune system is going to get royally slammed starting in a couple of hours, hence I did not run this morning. LOL

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