Wednesday, April 15, 2009

wednesday speedwork

'Speed' being relative....

It was gorgeous today. I slept in a bit because it took me a while to get to sleep after last night's shift. Then it was spring cleaning time, bedding, rugs, etc, and then I had to repot a bunch of little tomato seedlings (they're looking really good this year), and then it was time to trot.

I was going to take the dog out for an hour and then drop him off and go to run club, but we got carried away and my foot still isn't 100% anyway so speedwork doesn't seem to be the best choice these days. We jogged for about six miles and then did a couple of 1/2 mile intervals, walk, jog, walk, jog...and kept going.

I've been travelling at 10:30ish/mile for the past few weeks, which is fine. However, my curiosity was piqued and I picked the pace up. The dog wasn't too impressed by this but he kept up. We got under 10 min/mile, and then 9 min/ foot was starting to complain and I was finding it hard to not fling the dog leash about, but otherwise it was surprising how comfortable it felt. It's been a while since I've moved at that pace, and I miss it. We walked the last mile back to the house.

Total 13.6ish miles in 2:30. I'm not sure what I'll do tomorrow, apart from enjoy the sunshine. No work (yeah, I admit it, I'm underemployed these days, lol), but there is one item on my agenda: wash the dog. I've already washed all his bedding. The final sign was a fly in the house. First it tried to land on my dinner but an extra-close swat dissuaded it. The next best smelly thing was the dog. It kept buzzing around him until he caught it and ate it. On the one hand, I don't want to handicap my dog's fly baiting prowess; on the other hand, he stinks. Not in a brash way, just like a dog who has spent most of the winter indoors eating smelly dog food, licking himself with smelly-dog-food-tinged saliva, and lying curled up in the same bed.

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