Wednesday, July 30, 2008

1 km repeats actually went well

Today has not been a boring level day. Some ups and some downs, and I felt sort of stressed throughout. I didn't even think or worry about tonight's speedwork, which is a bit unusual for me. Usually long intervals are somewhat intimidating.

Fortunately, the weather was cooperative. It rained most of the day, but stopped in time for the workout, yet stayed overcast. It was still really humid, but relatively cool at 22C, and there was a wind too, that helped.

The first couple of km intervals were a little logey, and then things slowly started to click and move in the right way. The last two were especially good...I was able to keep pushing, but keep things light too. Will have to try to remember how it felt.


I'm really happy with it, especially since it's summer. I don't think I've had a long interval workout that's gone this well ever. Must be all those umpteen easy miles kicking in. I might have to watch pace this Sunday with the group; otherwise, I'm going to continue doing my easy runs untimed. Anyway, tonight's total with running there/back/warm up/cool down: 8.24 miles.

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