Monday, July 7, 2008

Another lazy day

Sort of. It was hot. I walked the dog, did some gardening, got some groceries...and got conveniently swamped back at home. I was doing schoolwork and job-searching. The former is actually fun, though a lot of memorization, and the latter is so craptacular. Didn't help today that I didn't get a certain call I was hoping for. Oh, well. I will apply to more things tomorrow. Meanwhile, I'm getting a little bit depressed. Not in a slit-wrists way, just sleeping more than usual and not feeling particularly motivated about anything. It was like this during my husband's last deployment, too. I was looking for a job then as well.

Also, I ran an awful lot these past two weeks, and yesterday was a really sluggy day. I slept quite a bit. It could mean that my iron stores are drooping. Two days off in a row should help.

I also have to get into a more regular habit re: diet and taking my iron supplements. My pushups and so forth have suffered too, and yoga, what's that?

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