Sunday, July 6, 2008

catching up

Friday, a good tempo run, surprisingly. I have been enjoying just shlepping about, but the run group I'm in has a schedule, and there was a tempo run. 20-30 min, with some 30 second pickups. I wasn't feeling a tempo run at first, so I figured I'd jog around for a few miles and then see. It helped that it was later in the evening, and some cool drafts were blowing off the water. The possibility of doing a tempo run made me start a little more quickly, and accelerate, the time I'd started the tempo portion, at a pre-determined flat area, I was nearly at that effort. I ended up running about 2.8 miles in just under 22 minutes. not as fast as before, but considering all the running I've been doing, plus the heat, not bad. It was a nice change, actually. I might do another tempo run next week. I'd have to check the schedule. There's a local 5K race which would substitute nicely, as long as it isn't too hot.

Saturday, a long run. This one was pretty slow for me, but it was 26C and sunny, and I didn't bring any fuel. It was remarkable in that I stayed pretty comfortable for most of it. I kept the pace slow, plus I walked 5 min of every 1/2 hour, to let my heart rate settle a bit. I ended up avoiding feeling light headed, which was very nice. Up until 2:45 or so, I felt like I hadn't been running for long. Then my muscles started to get sore. I kept it up until about 3:20. 18ish miles. Then I came home and ate a lot.

Sunday, I was at the lake, and feeling very sluggy. I walked with the dogs. It was time for a break.

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