Sunday, July 27, 2008

stretching out the long run

Today I ran 20.51 miles, but in a few installments, mainly getting to the start point, running 25 K with the running group, and then jogging home, after a picnic. My running-to-part was about a km shorter than expected, as one of the other runners in the group saw me on the way over and offered me a lift. That was greatly appreciated; my contribution to the picnic was a bit heavy. Plus, it wasn't a really good gut day. I have been eating way too much popcorn...not much, really, but I just can't handle it well. Plus, I ate some chips last night, and it's been a few weeks, I think, since I've had those. It was strange--I was eating them and, all of a sudden, I felt flushed. It was like those things triggered something. So I stopped eating them, went to bed, etc, and woke up to one of those IBS mornings. This made me debate running, but then I figured I could jog a bit to see, and if things were still unsteady, then I could duck in somewhere, maybe, or return home. Well, things settled down, and I was out of the danger zone at least, though my abdomen still hurt and I vaguely felt like I would have to throw up somewhere down the line. This didn't happen, thankfully.

It's been quite a while since I've had a morning like that, I think....strange to think that that used to be normal! At any rate, I'm going to cutback on the popcorn and chips, dole out smaller and smaller portions. That's my favourite sort of junk food so I don't think I can eliminate it completely. I've tried, but then I end up eating a lot when I do let myself have it. Oh, why can't I prefer chocolate? haha. I think I can avoid that particular flavour/brand of chip, though, without too much deprivation.

Anyway, we all met up, confirmed the route, and set off. It's been a while since I've run a long run with a group and I was a little worried that I'd miss the tranquility--or struggle to keep up, to be honest!, but it was a neat atmos. Plus, there are all sorts of other runners out, too, and I talked with a couple of them too. And it was good to get out of my zone for a bit...I figure that probably I've been running my long runs too slowly, but haven't been concerned because it's 1.summer and 2. early in training. I still have 17 weeks to go if I do Philly.

It was a bit hot, and I wasn't sure if there were water fountains along all the route, so I brought a small water bottle. Just something to hold in my hand. That was a bit tiring after a while, and as I write this, I feel sore in my arms and shoulders and nowhere else, really. Just part of training. Still, it was really cool to run a new route without really having to worry about it. I just followed the others.

And the picnic was fabulous! Good food and good times. The running club is a great group of people.

My legs felt fine during the short jog home, though I was going slower than usual. But that was ok. I still have plenty of time to train.

I doubt that the dog is going to get a run today. lol. We'll aim for tomorrow before work.

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