Thursday, July 3, 2008

Today, for real

I woke up to the sound of the phone ringing. It was only about 4, so I knew it was my husband. :) I forget the last time I heard his voice, maybe just a week? So far, he's been able to email every few days, which is great, but phone calls have been trickier. He's safe and sound and momentarily on a base big enough to provide a good 4th of July BBQ. That made me happy to hear that. There have been a few years that I didn't celebrate Canada Day, but I could have somehow if I'd really wanted to, and he doesn't have that sort of choice.

I talked with him a fair bit and then went back to bed. Woke up again a few hours later to prepare for a job interview.

It started pouring as I was walking over--even with an umbrella, I got pretty drenched. Fortunately, the interview didn't involve a lot of walking around, plus I was shown to a seat by someone else, so maybe the wet cuffs of my pants escaped notice. I'm not sure how the interview went, though. It took a while, but some of the questions I didn't answer adequately, I felt. Not sure. We'll see if they call me back for a teaching demo.

Then I went back home, sent off another couple of emails for other prospects, lol, hunted some more, did some homework, and then grabbed the dog and went. I decided to take him to Quebec and see if he wanted to run. It was a bit hot, but late enough for shade. We ran about 1.5 miles, then he wanted a break, and I let him cool his feet off in a stream, then we ran for maybe another mile until he started to lag back to sniff things. When it's cooler, I don't always accept this, but when it's hot, he starts to find excuses to slow down, and then I know that he's getting warm. If we continue, the flesh in his ears will gradually redden, and then I know he's hot. Best to not get to that point. It's great that he can still jog with me a bit, at least. It's better than nothing, and he enjoys it. I imagine he'll just walk with me for the next few (hotter) days, unless we go to the lake where he can swim.

After a fair walk home, I dropped him off and jogged another 3.5 miles on my own. I didn't feel quite done, and the weather was getting nicer for running. I'm still in a mellow much so that I don't feel as compelled to pass people. I'm not sure what's up for tomorrow...there's a tempo run on the group schedule, so maybe I'll jog around for an hour and then see if I'm up to it. I used to fit in my tempo runs like that and it worked well for me.

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