Friday, March 26, 2010

Day 60

Thurs: 30 min jog with dog.
Fri: 30 min jog with dog in the morning. The temps plunged, it was -19C windchill!
45 min in the evening--speedwork,5X 600M. Actually, this ended up being 4X800M and then we realized that we'd skipped a marker (one was faint, and the path had a curve in it which was deceptively long). The last one was 600M at least.

I had hoped for sub 7 min/mile for this workout, but I didn't know how I would do because it's been months since I've done such a workout. My pace: 6:46/mile, 7:00/mile, 7:08/mile, 7:08/mile, and 7:01/mile. it was 400/300M out and back...the turn kind of sucked, but we were having problems finding the 600M marker too. Some of the marks have been resprayed, but not all. Anyway, I definitely did the first one too fast! It was a tough workout, the rest intervals were just 90 seconds. This felt almost like a VO2 max workout, but the recoveries for one of those would be longer. Still, I'm kind of disappointed that I couldn't hold on to sub 7:00/mile, especially for such a short distance, but I have to be patient. I did get into the groove after a while, feeling a stronger core which made things more effective--gotta remember that feeling!

Resistance exercises afterward. The situps were pretty hard for some reason.

It's great doing speedwork with others again! They definitely help me push myself.

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