Friday, March 12, 2010

day 46

about 50 minutes of running, including 2 miles tempo: 16:26. A little slower than last time; I was a bit tired, the dog was a bit more tired. He was dragging, or keeping me honest and evenly-paced, I guess! I guess we need to take next week a bit easier! I was thinking of doing 2X 10 min tempo or something like that with a break, but a bit more time at tempo. Maybe. I'll try!

We also did 4 hill sprints and then I did resistance exercises. Those have been going well and lately I've been experimenting with thinking more about sensation than number of reps for certain exercises. Yes, I'll try to do at least a certain number, but I'm trying to tap more into quality than quantity. Say, I'm supposed to do 15. I could pop off 15 quickly using larger muscles and momentum, or I can slow things down, hold the hard parts longer, and feel more of a burn with 10 or 12.

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