Sunday, November 30, 2008


The sun salutations haven't been happening, but I'll have more room soon. Everything else is going well. I didn't touch the computer after coming home from the worst shift ever. LOL. It was busy in a dull way, if that makes sense. That's the worst kind of busy. No adrenaline, just slogging.

I still haven't resumed running. My legs feel fine and I'm starting to miss it; both are good signs that my break is drawing to a close. I work overtime tomorrow and Tuesday, so Wednesday will probably be the big day.


Fran said...

Can you do sun saluations when it's dark and stormy?

Hope you get back to running soon. It misses you.

cs said...

Actually, it was briefly sunny during my run today...just a week and a bit until the solstice and then maybe things will get better. LOL