Thursday, November 13, 2008


I jogged a couple of miles today, about...just the usual going to and fro biz. I sometimes find it easier to jog lightly than walk, and since I'm often late, I usually end up trotting. Sometimes I count this, sometimes not, but I'm counting it now because that'll be most of my running this week. lol.

But, as bullcrap as this mileage is, it's really good in a way. When I run for just 5-10 minutes at a time, I can really focus on form throughout. There have been a few issues that I've been working on, and lately it seems that things have become more fluid. Plus, the little stints are a good reminder to my body of what it needs to do, and a good way to loosen up, without tiring it out.

I went to yin yoga's been a while since I've gone to a class, so it was good to go and loosen up a little.

I can't believe that in less than a week I'll be on a train to Philly! wow!

ok, time for some confidence boosting...over the course of this training, I've done 3 progression runs in the 18-22ish mile range.

First one, 19 miles, last 12ish at an average pace of 8:21/mile.
Next one, 22 miles, last 9 at an average pace of 8:19/mile
Last one, 18-19 miles, last 8ish at an average pace of 8:01/mile. yes, a little excessive!

All I have to do is rest and eat properly, not do something stupid in my house (where I seem to get injured most! not running!) and not eat anything stupid the night before. I miss popcorn, but I've been good in avoiding it these past few weeks. I had a brush with black pepper the night before the last progression run, actually, which made it an even better simulation of post-wall running. I will eat plain naked noodles the night before the marathon, if necessary. Or maybe bananas washed down with Ovaltine. I don't care! I really don't want stomach probs on race day again. I imagine I'll be shoving down all sorts of foul and greasy crap food after the race...can hold out until then....

on to homework!

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