Sunday, November 9, 2008


No running today--I'll walk the dog and go to yoga. :)


Scrap going to yoga....I can't breathe out of one nostril. It's been like this since last night. It's better than both being blocked, but it's still kind of annoying, and I don't want to drip through a yoga class. I'll just do one of my yoga DVDs.

Anyway, ehhh, my brain's being fried by Chemistry but ultimately by this stupid, stupid deployment. Negativity alert!! It was like this last time too: the last month or two before the halfway point really began to crawl. Which made me think of relating it to race terms, using some sort of mental trick to get over this hurdle, lie thinking that 3K is just 'a mile and a bit' (one of my favourite tricks) or that a half marathon is just a warm up and then a ten-miler....well, nothing's working so far. At this point, it looks like the best way to wade through the rest of the suckage is to spend the next several weeks in an opium den.

But, way, could I actually be having TAPER NERVES?

I've really been looking forward to tapering. I've pushed things a bit with this training, but nothing bad has happened, knock wood, and after those umpteen 100+K weeks, I'm ready to not run as much, or shower as often. Honestly, if I lived in a culture where it would be permissible to whiff more, I'd probably knock out more 2-run days. But, relaxation aside, I suppose that the point of tapering is to coil that spring a little tighter, and thus I'm getting more worked up about the deployment lately.


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