Friday, November 28, 2008


Update on the destressing....

Deep breathing--I was good on Thurs, and then today I had to get up and out of the house pre-dawn because one of my clients had to go to the hospital early for tests. That melted my newly minted schedule pretty nicely. I got about 2 minutes in before I started rushing around. lol

Sun salutations--haven't been happening. Probably because I gave up my room for guests, and the one I'm in now doesn't have room for yoga and the dog crate. Not that he spends a lot of time in it, but it had to go somewhere.

Computer cutoff--actually seems to click with me. It helps me prioritize my time better and get to sleep sooner. However, the big test will be tomorrow, after the late shift, when I habitually crawl through the front door at whatever after 2300 and instantly get sucked to the keyboard. Sometimes even before changing out of scrubs. oh, the shame, the desperation. lol

And I got a school assignment and a mess of US Immigration paperwork mailed off today, which has reduced my stress levels a LOT already. And, most importantly, in roughly three weeks, we'll be over the halfway point of this deployment. I'll still be stressed, but then I'll start to feel better and better as the time remaining diminishes. can't wait! phew!

ok, what else...I ran to that pre-dawn job today, lol, and things felt fine. I'll probably resume with the club on Wednesday, just an easy run. Mostly, though, I've been walking. The dog needs walking and I've been doing errands besides.

Once the guests leave (not that it's not been cool having them, just a little squished), I'll ramp up the resistance exercises. I'll probably do the same regimen I did last spring.

At any rate, I think this crappy marathon result has actually been a positive experience in some ways. A good wake up call, at least. How do I want to live my life? And what do I need to get out of running? Not 'want'--that's too great a luxury right now, apparently. And why did I want to qualify for Boston? the challenge, yes, which means I still have it. The experience of actually going to Boston? I'm not sure. I waver about this. It would be ultra-ultra-cool on one hand, but maybe too emotional/stirring for me on the other. Not to mention crowded and expensive. I still want to go, but maybe I want it too much on other people's terms, and not so much on my own--I want it mainly out of pride. I still want it, but I can hopefully rest a little more easy about it, and concentrate rather on having a good marathon experience or two while minimizing stress.


Fran said...

I hear ya loud and clear on the prise issue. I had a solid first race experience. Why on earth would I feel disappointment afterwards.

May beckons alluringly in the pre-dawn distance...."run me!"

Fran said...

haha - that should be 'pride'