Saturday, November 1, 2008

Nap time!

I had fun last night, even if it took me nearly an hour to wash off all the make-up. How does a junkie manage all that eyeliner? At any rate, it was fun being Amy Winehouse (without snorting anything) for an evening, even if the wig was a little hard to dance in. Got in at 1 am or so, a modest hour, and got nearly enough sleep, though didn't drink quite enough water. I wasn't hung over, though, just dehydrated. an easy fix.

Then I met up with friends and jogged 16.29 miles in total. A bit silly to do so the day before a long run, but now I'm going to spend the day eating and sleeping, pretty much, and this will allow me to bounce back quite a bit. If worse comes to worst, I will run a shorter run tomorrow and tackle the long-long run on Monday, but I really want to get the long-long run over and hit the spa with a clear and empty conscience. LOL

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