Monday, October 14, 2013

Guns at dusk

Great run tonight!  I wasn't even going to run, but my husband put on his running clothes and, yep, t'was en famille.  I figured that I would find out early on if I'd have problems keeping up.

However, I felt great!  Was it the misty 18C and cool breeze?  Was it the NO-Xplode (found a trial pack and realized just how much I've missed that stuff)?  Was it the slightly tighter pair of running capris?   I had craploads of bounce.  We ran for just over two hours.

Training was going on nearby: lots of booms.  And, as dusk approached, the trail became harder to see.  The atmosphere became rather dramatic.  My vision was a bit blurred anyway because of the haze, but things started to get pretty dim and sneaky.  There were stretches where I honestly couldn't see what I was running over: quick steps, high feet, hope for the best!  Near the end, I tripped soundly on what appeared to be a featureless sand trail.  But I didn't fall.

We passed carrion (couldn't see what, but it stunk largely) and vultures--not this time, guys!

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