Sunday, October 20, 2013

A lovely summer day

A few months late.

My husband, the dog, and I jogged (with a few walk breaks) for 3 hours and 10 minutes or so.  I felt tired from yesterday's run, plus we ran in the afternoon when my energy levels were nice and low.  Thus I'd invited an adequate amount of suckage, the whole point of back to back "long" runs.

However, the temps made things easier.  18C, sunny, not too humid...seriously top shelf stuff.  If summer down here could throw in a day like that every so often, I wouldn't be so crabby.

And my husband saved my life!  Probably!  Either mine or the dog's.  The weather was cool enough for the snakes to seek sunlight, and gotta hand it to copperhead cammo, it really blends in nicely with dried leaves and shadow-mottled sand.  My eyesight isn't the best, I've said this before; I have stepped on a snake already here, but it was dead.  This one would have been a pissed off and venomous number 2.  But my husband was running ahead of me and he saw it and stopped in time!  My hero!  He coaxed it off the path with a really long branch.  It didn't want to go.

There was a bit of snake-jumpiness after that, but I took the lead on the 2nd loop and picked up the pace a bit.  Yeah! 

And then my husband saved my life again on loop three.  We ran up to two ladies pushing strollers, and one of them asked us "Is it ok that my dogs are loose?"  Lady, please, what does my disdainful silence and cocked eyebrow tell you?  There are plenty of signs in the park saying that all pets must be leashed.  No exemptions for mommies.   Don't plead for a "Sure, no problem" that will absolve you.  However, my husband is polite, and he made small talk while I quietly tried to coax the loose dogs to run with us.  Got "Mordecai" to go a few yards before he wussed out.

Without my husband's honeyed charm, these ladies might have hulked out on my ass, considering they were out pushing strollers in sand and over roots and debris, and probably a copperhead or two.

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