Thursday, October 3, 2013


I must remember how wiped I am right now, in order to better put future whinging to shame.

More short sleep, just 3 hrs last night.
Calculated dehydration, in prep for a 3 hour exam.  Mistakenly thought it was 3.5 hrs and somehow that last 1/2 hr is a killer without breaks.  I've had longer exams, but with breaks.
3 hours in frigid air conditioning.
8 or whatever miles cycling home in 28-29 C, including up a 11 +% grade incline with groceries.  A bunch of other hills too, but that one is my white whale.  There are a few ways I can get around it: large detour, 45 mph narrow roads with lower but much longer uphills, or a dirt--actually sand--road.  No thanks, although sometimes I do the detour which involves slightly wider roads that go up to 55 mph.  It still has a significant climb, but also a thrilling descent...and then a longer slower climb back up which doesn't feel so good when it's hot out and I have groceries.

BUT I found a new trick this afternoon.  It's hard to explain, and it's ugly, but I pump that mofo up the hill with extra glute and back action.   I couldn't find a video but picture that guy in hightop sneakers and headphones and a too-short seat pumping his upper body going back and forth with each stroke.  Yeah, it's disgusting, but it actually worked really well.  I kept my cadence and didn't have to stand up.   I suppose I'm compensating for cycling muscles that are underdeveloped.   Whatever.

My passing whim of celebratory lifting is just that: passing, passed.

Man, I've been at home for an hour and still feel like blech.  I must remember this when I'm feeling that, oh, it's about 1.3 degrees too warm out and I don't like spider webs, wah, wah, wah.

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