Wednesday, October 2, 2013


Monday and Tuesday, just walked.  I'm getting shafted on sleep again.

After my run Sunday, I mortared.  Shouldn't have been a big deal except all that stooping and bending over made my back sore.  And I got night sweats and aches that night, and ended up moving to another room so that I could attempt to starfish it out.

And then I was woken up by a ringwraith.  It screamed its way past and riled up the dog.  I couldn't go back to sleep until I heard its cries die in the distance, and confirmed that they were not renewed.  Then I fell back into sleep into nightmares.  I had no clue what sort of animal it was, but I figured it was some sort of owl because it was in the dark and seemed to be traveling more quickly than something on legs, plus the echoes of its hellion shrieks suggested a more lofty altitude.  Later on, my husband looked it up.  Gotta say that I'd already thought that barn owls were mondo creepy but this one raised the bar.  Kudos!

And then Monday night, it was the frogs and/or bugs that exceeded themselves.  They have recently revamped their chorus, and they reached a new pinnacle last night.  I shut the windows but there was a persistent tone, an acute meep-meep-meep that chiseled deep within my skull.  I couldn't escape it.  I didn't wish to wear earplugs so I got my laptop and headphones and used tunes to block it out.

On the plus side, I've channeled lots of my angst into Leavenworth sculpting.  This morning, I was splitting bricks--the solid kind, too--like a machine. 

Before that, I had to run before I forgot how.  But the weather has snuck up on me.  I stepped outside, man, it's kind of warm, and went back in to check.  21C, humidex 25 or so.  High of 30C, and pretty much that for the rest of the week.  dafuq?

Not fair!  After months of solid 30+ highs, without a break except for a few thunderstorms, we must move on as uniformly.  It's October, no more 30 + C.  Heck, 20 C is too much.  When's this beautiful fall I keep hearing about?  When will I finally get to run without sweat pooling and dripping off my chin? (I detest that; it feels like I'm drooling).

Anyway, we jogged and walked around for about an hour.  I was going to do the full loop, but ended up skipping the bridle paths.  The sand is deepest and softest there, torn up by hooves, and I just couldn't face it today.  So I stuck to the firmer paths and managed to sink back into the relaxing sauna atmos.  Not a run, just a pore-opening experience that'll do wonders for my complexion.  Although my appeal is rather reduced by the apparent drooling, and overall stickiness.  I came home to find not only thick spiderwebs but also a few embalmed bugs glued to my head.  And the smell is even choicer, almost as attractive as this.

Edit: I forgot about the snake!  We don't get to see them often.  This one was black, about three feet long, and in a hurry to cross the path ahead of us and get out of the way.   This was terribly exciting for my dog: a stick that MOVES ON ITS OWN?!!?!?!


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