Monday, January 2, 2012

Day 1

of two separate exercise challenges:

Plank to Plunk Down for Mitocanada, just 3 planks a day, total 1.5 min.
Bodyrock 30 day challenge. This started with a fit test:

squat jumps = 21
pushups = 20
burpees = 6
high knees = 63
switch lunges = 35
tuck jumps = 23
sit ups = 19

50 seconds on/10 seconds rest. I suppose the fit test will be redone at the end of the month. I have never kept any exercise scores before so this will be an interesting experiment.

And my husband and the dog ran with me for six miles. The morning was nice and warm at about 1C so we took our time getting out, did errands first, watched a movie, etc, oblivious to the cold front moving in. The windchill was -15 at the start of our run and goodness knows what by the end. The predicted high tomorrow keeps dropping: now it's supposed to be -19. That's without windchill. Fortunately, the typical Ottawa dampness disappears when the temps drop enough, so the apparent difference is lessened. Unfortunately, my parents are getting some of their windows replaced tomorrow. !!!

At any rate, I definitely noticed some soreness around my hips during this run, likely from yesterday's run on the snow that was, though nicely packed, was not level or completely solid. I'll get used to it, and it's kind of satisfying to have the additional training stress.


Fran said...

I just read about the BR challenge, but I'd like to join in with the cool kids! Do you have an interval timer, and if not how do you handle the timing? Just wondering....

cs said...


I have set my Garmin for a time interval workout a few times, but usually I'm too lazy to set it up and I just keep glancing at a stopwatch.