Friday, January 27, 2012

(an almost) flat run and fatigue

Sometimes the easiest runs are the hardest, as if the body senses that not much will be asked of it and accordingly goes on vacation or something, taking energy and strength and leaving discomfort.

This morning, the dog and I jogged a very leisurely 1.8 miles. We found a sidewalk!

This afternoon, my husband, the dog and I jogged 6 miles (6.31 miles total with warm up and cool down walks). My husband chose the route and it was actually mostly flat. And it wiped me out. I've been carrying a knapsack on our runs with our water and snacks and so forth; this is a really comfortable running knapsack and I've worn it for hours running and walking without issues, but today the car keys jingling in an upper pocket gave me a headache after a few miles. I repacked the knapsack and the headache went away, leaving tiredness.

I've been carrying about 1.5 L of water along with other things such as clothes and snacks...I guess it's about 5-6 pounds of extra weight. It's amazing how much of a difference that makes sometimes.

I guess this is what happens when, after a hiatus of nearly three weeks spent fighting some sort of chest infection, I move to a hilly area and jump back into running. LOL. My husband is tired too, but not the dog!

The mattress topper helped a lot but I will probably take some sort of anti-inflammatory tonight. Yes, some inflammation is part of recovery, but it doesn't seem as beneficial when it impedes sleep.

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